Balanced Dog training team


BDTT was founded in 2015 and consists of a team of four dog trainers active in Thessaloniki, Larissa, and Volos. In Thessaloniki, you find the school of the team that trains dogs from the first stage (puppy training) to the stage of advanced training. BDTT's vision is for "every dog ​​to live happily with his family. Their philosophy is to identify each dog's special abilities and guide them to create happy dogs that will long to work with their owner, building perfect communication, and balanced cohabitation.


BDTT was willing to collaborate with us in the field of management and development of social media, creation of content to showcase their services through photography, video, graphic design, and visuals.


We are working together based on a holistic strategic plan for the creation of content, delivery, and distribution of their vision, goals, and services. Furthermore, we are setting up campaigns and ads to grow our audience along with our organic content.